Take some Georgia Tech employees, give them a digital camera and an Olympic Village.
Mix thoroughly and bake in a WWW until done.

Adam Arrowood

Ok, now for the legal-eze: This page, and all pages containing the "View from the Village" logo, are in no way sponsored, approved, read by, contributed to, known about, or, well, probably even liked, by: ACOG, the IOC, External Affairs, the Office of Information Technology, Georgia Tech, The Technique, Kroger, The Varsity, Joshua Guttman, Wolf Camera, GCATT, Pitch n' Putt, Ratman & Bobbin, The Vortex, Taco Bell, CNN, John Kidd, Eckerd Drugs, my neighbor, The Oasis Cafe, Papa Nick's, The U.S. Post Office, Office Depot, Murphy's, The American Roadhouse, El Amigo, McDonald's, Subway, Ranjana Murthy, Abadaba's, Bicycle South, Home Depot, my third grade teacher, Emory University, The CDC, Apple Computers, Eduardo Rodriguez, and The United States of America. ... in short, this is not an "official" Olympic web site, nor an "official" Georgia Tech web site, and should not be treated as such.

All pictures, except those taken by others (duly noted), are copyright Adam Arrowood, and you may not copy, distribute, link to, or show your grandmother any of these pictures. Those taken by Eric Buckhalt have been deemed safe for grandmothers.

Any logos, signs, symbols, or whatever else I could be sued over, are all copywrite someone else.

All text humor contributions are copyright of their authors and cannot be reproduced in electronic or traditional print without permission of the respective author(s). So there!