Top Ten Things To Do With the Olympic Village after the Olympics if
ACOG Doesn't Restore It:
- Raise cattle... it's already got the fences.
- Make it a prison... it's got the security guards.
- Use it for a circus... it's got the tents.
- Turn it into a water park with one hell of a high dive.
- Mine it for bricks.
- Make it the midtown branch of Six Flags... the overpriced vending
machines are already in place.
- Open up a BMW/GMC dealership.
- Install a nuclear reactor.
- Build an Atlanta Walt Disney park (the trams are here already).
... and the number one thing to do with an unrestored Olympic Village ...
- Make it a College Campus!
Author(s): Eloise Pencilbirthing,
Axel Arrowblood and Obi Wan Jacoby