This is a message of importance to the campus regarding ACOG leased facilities on campus.
We were informed today by ACOG that, effective immediately, the sidewalks are available only to ACOG staff, athletes, and National Olympic Committee members. Georgia Tech employees have been asked not to use the sidewalks.
Georgia Tech employees are asked to use the storm sewers, as the streets are available only to ACOG and its assigns, as well. The storm sewers will generally follow the same routes as the sidewalks, and a cursory examination indicates manholes near most buildings. Georgia Tech employees will be allowed to cross sidewalks and streets in a direction perpendicular to the path of the sidewalk or street in order to move between manholes and buildings. Georgia Tech employees are advised, however, that at no time is stopping or loitering on a street or sidewalk allowed, and that any employee found in a storm sewer under the VSZ without proper credentials will be shot while trying to escape.
Wilhelm Mueller
Commandant, Olympic Stalag 13